The self service car wash machine is our latest version especially launched for the customer who can manage the machine group easily.
The self service car wash machine is our latest version especially launched for the customer who can manage the machine group easily.
Reasonable design Adopt CPU control system Voice prompt function 4.Adopting anti-theft shell structure which is made of the anti-aging color steel plate with the character such galvanized rust proof, anti-corrosion, the equipment has high safety. It has the heating function of heat preservation and anti-freezing carbon crystal plate.
Equipped with a third gear shifting mechanism. Automatic liquid agent mixing system The wipe-free shampoo can be used as its reaction time is short, better effect, neutral and pollution-free and does no harm to the car. It use 2.2kw high pressure plunger pump with 60-90kg pressure and 8-12L/minute water outlet. It has IoT function and fault alarm code function.
It can be equipped with the self-media advertising machine There is a built-in integrated vacuum cleaner inside. With multiple self-service payment functions Single machine or multiple sets of machine management supported and real-time monitoring in the background
Full function including: more than 60 kg high pressure water---shampoo spray--vacuum cleaning and advertisement Data management function: The machine operator can make the statistical management of machine via the system on the app or computer such as the customer information,business volume, business amount etc. 24-hour online after-sales service: equipment fault codes/maintenance information will be automatically transmitted to alarming system on the app on the phone or on the computer. The after-sales solution will be automatically generated.
The store management system can be used It has marketing functions and can timely deliver various promotional activities information to the customer. It has employment management function. The value-added service:Through GPS positioning, nearby washing stations can be displayed for customers on Maps, making it easy for customers to find nearby washing stations.
Easy to use A new type wipe-free shampoo, no need for manual wiping Quick cleaning Water saving and environmental friendly
Water saving and environmental friendly
The self service car wash machine is our latest version especially launched for the customer who can manage the machine group easily. Its features is that you can manage all the equipment at the same time via the management port. At the same time, it realized the real unattended function. (The machine is fully self-service, and the payment can be made by the customer via the equipment, there is no need for labor) .It is a representative of the powerful small self service car wash machine equipment on the market today. And it is the terminal device with multiple function.
With IoT function, faults and maintenance can be remotely transmitted to the backend system, truly achieving unmanned operation
· Overall dimension:0.8*0.6*1.95(m)
· Total height:4.5m(with Gear shift mechanism)
· Weight:about 260KG
· Water pressure:3-5.5MPa(30-55公斤)(adjustable)
· Voltage:220V/50HZ
· Total power:5.5KW
· Water consumption:30-50L
· Power consumption:machine operation status,0.1kw/minute
· Effective range:10-15m
中国青岛日森机电有限公司,是2010年成立的集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的高新技术企业,日森是高端洗车设备的专业智造商,现有职工400多人,厂房面积26000多平方米,生产规模及出口量、内销量均居前列。 日森的使命是:用智能科技让洗车更简单。让洗车机无人值守成为现代文明随处可见的一道靓丽风景线。 日森洗车机高端又经济。日森一直践行国外产品品质,国内产品价格的理念,产品稳定、好用、耐用。不断积累的各种综合优势,使日森产品黄金性价比有口皆碑,各种产品自推出以来,一直深深受到国内外广大消费者的强烈喜爱。 日森洗车机,环保、节水、节能、安全、智能、经济、省时、省力、省心、省人工等优点,体现出了巨大的社会效益! 日森通过不断的努力,荣誉不断,先后被评为:行业隐形冠军”、山东省“专精特新”企业,山东省“瞪羚企业”,山东省“企业技术中心”,还获得了全国"创新创业"大赛的二等奖,“智慧城市”落地服务优秀解决方案奖等。 日森通过不断积累,取得了以下认证:ISO9001质量体系认证,CE质量认证,ISO14001环境认证,ISO45001职业健康安全认证,美国UL认证等。 日森通过大量持续的投入,已取得了8项发明专利,4项软件著作权、和20多项实用新型专利。日森已成为清洗科技的重要代表. 日森洗车设备品类丰富,共有六个大类,40多个型号的产品。可更好的满足不同客户对不同类型设备的需求,可实现顾客一站式釆购的需要。 日森的清洗设备主要有:无接触式洗车机、龙门往复式洗车机、隧道式洗车机、巴士洗车机、工程车洗车机、汽车淋雨线测试清洗设备、集装箱等容器清洗设备、洗牛机、烘干机、小神龙自助洗车机、船舶清洗设备、军事装备清洗设备、列车洗车机、神波无水清洗设备。 日森的企业理念是:打造引领全球洗车机行业进步的中国品牌!响应国家的号召,做专精特新的企业。 日森的企业文化:“三度”文化,做事有角度、有精度、有态度。 企业价值观:客户利益最大化是我们永远的追求 经过10多年的发展,日森已成长为老牌国际清洗设备企业的挑战者,和国内行业的领导者!